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Altkatholische Kirche


Greetings & a warm welcome!


We are a small but lively community, [in the centre of the Innviertel], with a large catchment area (from Schärding to Bad Ischl and from Braunau to Schwanenstadt).
We want to be a "home" for seekers and questioners, especially for those who are marginalised (excommunicated) and discriminated against by other communities.

We see ourselves as brothers and sisters who are travelling together on their journey of life and faith; as people who are trying to put into practice what we have understood and experienced as liberating and redeeming from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to stay on the trail of him who came so that we "may have life and have it to the full" (John 10:10). We do this just as we are, with our talents and abilities, but also with all our shortcomings. Old Catholic communities are "communities to build yourself".

But take a look at our parish:
Whether as a guest or as a seeker or just out of curiosity, wherever you come from and for whatever reason - we cordially invite you to take part in our church services and other events.

opening hours
Kanzleistunden - in der Regel
Donnerstag 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Jedoch vorheriger Anruf 0699/12 61 86 24 erforderlich!
  • für jedes Wetter
Kontakt und Anfahrt

Bahnhofstraße 17, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (676) 9606850

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