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Conferences in Ried im Innkreis


One town, countless possibilities
Ried im Innkreis – the ideal location for successful conferences, meetings and events
Organise professional meetings with expert support in the heart of the Innviertel region!


Ried im Innkreis is THE place to be in the Innviertel region of Upper Austria. It’s a successful location for trade and industry, home to global companies and a vibrant setting for events of every kind.
Ried offers a wide range of seminar facilities, accommodation options and a varied culinary landscape.
Ried is the perfect setting for your event!
Whether for a small group or a conference on a grand scale, you are spoilt for choice with our wide selection of locations. The customisable event venues can accommodate up to 3,000 people. They are all centrally located and within easy walking distance of your hotel.
Our professional service provides the finishing touch to your event in Ried. We support you from the moment you first get in touch, assist you in finding suitable event facilities, help with room reservations and organise an appropriate supporting programme so that you can replenish your energy before or after the work is over.
Take advantage of these surroundings to arrange unique experiences for yourself and your customers!
Discover RIED – a top event location! 

opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 - 17:00 
Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 
  • WC-Anlage


Price details on request.

Kontakt und Anfahrt

Johannesgasse 8, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (7752) 85180


​Parkplätze stehen vor dem Gebäude an der Straße zur Verfügung!

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