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dieziwi. - Die Zivilgesellschaft wirkt.

dieziwi. - which stands for Die Zivilgesellschaft wirkt! - is a platform for voluntary civic engagement in Austria. We support all those whose ideas, initiatives and projects contribute to making our lives (together) better.

Since 2021, we have been a point of contact, service and coordination for interested private individuals, initiatives, associations, organisations, educational institutions, companies and cities and municipalities that want to promote civic engagement. And we do this primarily through our work areas and projects, which you can find out more about on this website.


dieziwi. - Civil society works.
is supported by the Social Department of the Province of Upper Austria, the Integration Centre of the Province of Upper Austria, the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, the City of Linz and the Healthy Austria Fund.

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Kontakt und Anfahrt

Martin-Luther-Platz 3 / 3. Stock, 4020 Linz



Tel.: +43 (650) 4700-072

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