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Music band


Ried im Innkreis is a cultural town and metropolis in the Innviertel, the part of western Upper Austria that borders Bavaria.


From the founding year of the town band in 1779 (Innviertel became part of Austria), a market band is mentioned for the first time, in which Mr Gregor Vielweib acted as 1st bandmaster. This band was later incorporated into the civic guard as a corps band for some time before it became a separate organisation again.
The orchestra has been taking part in concert competitions successfully since 1980. Over the years, the orchestra has reached a remarkable level in these competitions.
In 1994, the orchestra was presented with the Franz Kinzl Medal by Governor Dr Josef Pühringer for its outstanding achievements.
Further honours for five years of active participation in concert and marching competitions were presented in February 1999 and 2006 at the Landhaus Linz. In 2008, the band received the Prof. Rudolf Zeman Prize (highest honour) for 10 awards at competitions.

opening hours
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Kontakt und Anfahrt

Konviktstraße 8, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



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