Treffpunkt Ried Logo

Innpuls Werbeagentur GmbH


Welcome to the small number 1!


The smallest number is number 1, as Adam Riese would confirm. But of course you can be the leader in many different things. In mud snorkelling, for example. Or renting out pets. We, on the other hand, are known as the number 1 advertising agency in the Innviertel region. Simply because we understand one thing better than anyone else: The art of inspiring!

The right plan is the right strategy
In fact, by the right strategy we mean nothing other than a well thought-out plan. One that will help you achieve your goals. That's why we don't forge it alone. But always in close co-operation with you. In other words, based on your market experience and our knowledge of the laws of communication. Once the plan is finalised, we implement it in close consultation with you. All inclusive with all the extras! In this respect, we see ourselves not only as an advertising agency but also as an escort agency in the most innocuous sense of the word.

Services in detail:

  • Market analyses
  • Campaign concepts
  • Marketing concepts
  • Corporate identity / corporate image
  • USP / UAP philosophy
  • Public relations

opening hours
Montag bis Donnerstag: 08:00 bis 12:00 und 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Freitag: 08:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
  • Barzahlung
Kontakt und Anfahrt

Volksfeststraße 16/1, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (7752) 87999

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