Treffpunkt Ried Logo

Reisemobile Innviertel


Rent motorhomes and caravans cheaply at Automobile Gadermayr GmbH in Ried im Innkreis!


Founded in 1911 in Lohnsburg, Upper Austria, the family-run business, now in its fourth generation, has been offering the rental and sale of motorhomes and caravans of various sizes in addition to the sale of Toyota vehicles since November 2015. We decided to take this step because the rental of motorhomes and caravans is becoming increasingly popular and our existing dealership in Ried already provides the necessary background for a sensible and smooth process. After all, it is not enough just to make vehicles available for hire; regular maintenance, professional cleaning and the possibility of repairs must also be provided so that the hirer can enjoy a holiday without annoying and time-consuming complications.

opening hours
Fahrzeugbesichtigungen wegen Miete oder Kauf bitte nur nach Terminvereinbarung!


Alle Informationen zu den Preisen finden Sie hier!

Kontakt und Anfahrt

Salzburger Straße 20, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (7752) 22614

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