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Fischerleitner Karosseriebau


Everything to do with vehicles: As specialists in vehicle conversions, repairs and paintwork, we always strive for high quality. We rely on the experience and technological expertise of our long-standing employees. We have been a family business for over 50 years with over 30 employees.

We have been training apprentices almost since the beginning.


- Ineo certified apprentice training company
- Master craftsman's business and holder of the seal of quality.
- Specialised bodywork company
- As part of the "Best of Talent" event, the Fischerleitner training company received the "Austria's Best Training Company 2017" award in the bodywork technology apprenticeship programme.

Company focus:
- Car and lorry repair with in-house paint shop
- Vehicle conversion for people with disabilities (both for active drivers and passengers)
- Vehicle construction (box, flatbed, tarpaulin, tipper, refrigerated vehicle, ....)
- Vehicle equipment

opening hours
Montag - Donnerstag: 7:10-12:00 Uhr und 12:45-16:30 Uhr
Freitag: 07:00-12:00 Uhr

  • WC-Anlage
  • Bankomatkarte
  • Barzahlung
Kontakt und Anfahrt

Eberschwanger Straße 62b, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (7752) 82224

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