Treffpunkt Ried Logo


Dr. Alexander Weis-Dullinger

Specialist in ophthalmology and optometry
Contact lens institute

Dr. Alexandra Thebert B.Ac.

General practitioner - TCM - Acupuncture

Dr. Alois Daxecker

Practice for general medicine in Eitzing and Ried im Innkreis.
Further information can be found here.

Dr. Anneliese Seifried

Specialist in general medicine

Dr. Arnold Dirschlmayer

Specialist in neurology
You can find more information here.

Dr. Barbara Reisegger

Specialist in gynaecology and gynaecology.

Dr. Bernhard Mohr

Elective doctor (without ÖGK contract) for general medicine
Specialist in psychiatry, psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine

Dr. Brigitta Schaffer

Elective doctor for general medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics

Dr. Christian Richter

Elective doctor for general medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture and occupational medicine

Dr. Christoph Huber

Doctor for general medicine and sports medicine

Dr. Christoph Schaffer

Elective doctor for general medicine

Dr. Christoph Singer

Elective doctor for orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery
General practitioner

Dr. David Hierm

Medical services
In addition to all general medical services, my practice also specialises in the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins.

You can find more information about the scope of services at

Dr. Dieter Josef Schwanninger

Specialist in general medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics

Dr. Ernst An Der Lan & Dr. Thomas Silbermayr OG

MR Dr Ernst An Der Lan

General medicine, orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery, trauma surgery

Dr Thomas Silbermayr
Orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery, trauma surgery

Dr. Eva Kössl

Specialist in dentistry, oral and maxillofacial medicine

Dr. Franz Josef Mitterhauser

Specialist in general medicine and radiology

Dr. Gabriela Roden

Elective doctor for general medicine

Dr. Gerald Minimair

Specialist for skin and sexually transmitted diseases

Dr. Gert Doppelreiter

Specialist in ophthalmology & optometry


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