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Karl Hubauer Psychotherapie & Coaching


Psychotherapy | Coaching | Meditation



"You can't teach a person anything. You can only help him to discover it in himself."

For me, these words by Galileo Galilei summarise the essence of psychotherapy: together we will find out where your strengths lie and how you can actively and self-determinedly change your life for the better.

For depression, burn-out, anxiety, life crises and psychosomatic complaints:

  • Development of a healing atmosphere
  • Finding personal strengths and opportunities
  • Concentration on possible areas of development

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance. The wise man lets it grow under his feet."

This quote from James Oppenheim describes what coaching is all about: defining and achieving goals with the help of your own potential. Sometimes all it takes is a small change of perspective to recognise opportunities and make decisions.

If you want to develop yourself further and move towards new goals:
  • Support for personal and professional development
  • Opportunity for self-reflection in a neutral setting
  • Development of different new areas of action

"Tension is who you think you have to be. Relaxation is who you are."

What this Chinese proverb says is also what MBSR, mindfulness-based stress reduction, means. Here, certain meditation techniques are used as valuable tools to improve self-awareness and thus find inner peace. The aim is to live more consciously and in harmony with yourself again.

If you want to reduce the stress of everyday life and find peace:
  • Learning suitable meditation methods
  • Improving mindfulness
  • Possible individually or in small groups

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Kirchenplatz 18, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



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