Treffpunkt Ried Logo

Sport club


Union Bogensportclub Ried im Innkreis!


Types of bow

Traditional recurve > The traditional recurve usually consists of three parts, a grip and two limbs. In the case of three-part bows, the grips can be made of wood or aluminium and the limbs of wood, carbon, fibreglass or a mixture of these materials. Carbon or aluminium may be used for the arrows, the bow is free of stabilisers and sighting aids. A simple arrow rest may be used, string and face walking are not permitted.

Blank bow > The blank bow usually consists of three parts, a grip and two limbs. In the case of three-part bows, the grips can be made of wood or aluminium and the limbs of wood, carbon, fibreglass or a mixture of these materials. A recurve bow without sights and stabilisers is referred to as a blank bow. With a blank bow, you aim over the arrow. Aluminium or carbon arrows are used. A button may be used with a blank bow. Stringwalking is permitted.

opening hours
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Kontakt und Anfahrt

Bahnhofstraße 52, 4910 Ried im Innkreis



Tel.: +43 (7752) 82405

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